Doug White

Profession Field: Cultural Leader

Annual Hours Pledged:



We live in a time of fundamental transformation for Indigenous Peoples across our Nations and around the globe. The rise of our young people; the continuous ignoring of the well-being of our children, families, and women; the intensifying struggle to save the planet from degradation; the breaking of the pernicious legacy of racist denial inaugurated by the Tsilhqot’in Nation decision; the deepening economic imperialism of the provincial and federal governments; the efforts to criminalize our advocacy for our Title and Rights; all of these changes and forces make this a pivotal moment in our and all of humanity’s history.

At times such as these it is a duty of each and every one of us to do everything we can to advance justice and true change. The stakes are too high, the needs too great, and the forces too powerful, to pursue anything other than bold change that builds on the sacrifices of our ancestors, moves beyond the status quo, and does not accept the quiet compromises of expedience. I am here to serve – to do whatever I can in partnership with you – to rise to what the reality of this day demands. The signal call of this moment in time is not words, but action. I am running to help be an agent of action and change in all the ways I can.

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