Dana Lepofsky

Profession Field: Archaeologist

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Dana is an archaeologist who studies the social and ecological aspects of past human interactions with their land and seascapes, particularly among Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest of North America and the Society Islands of French Polynesia. Within the Northwest Coast, she works in the traditional territories of, and in collaboration with, several First Nations. Her recognition of the value of different disciplines and kinds of knowledge has led her to believe strongly in multi-disciplinary and collaborative research. Her research teams seek to blend local ecological and historical knowledge with archaeological data to understand human-environment interactions and when possible, to apply this knowledge to current social and ecological issues. Dana’s role as one of the coordinators of the Clam Garden Network, the Quadra Ecology-Archaeology project and the Hakai Herring School reflects her commitment to collaboration and education. Affiliation: Professor, Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University.

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