Champions | A Powerful Force for a Change

Protecting and Enhancing Indigenous Lives

Our champions are the backbone of Golden Eagle. They are unique individuals with a strong belief in justice and what is necessary to bring it about. Volunteering in this way is an acknowledgement that although individually we can accomplish amazing things, collectively we will move mountains. Golden Eagle aspires to the principles of unity among all peoples. If you look at the diversity among our Champions you will see individuals from many different backgrounds. The protection of Indigenous lives is not simply an Indigenous problem. Its solutions lay among all of humanity and we will need to act collectively to find them. Our Champions are beautiful people who are talented, strong, and willing to confront head-on the spectre many Indigenous have traditionally faced alone.

Champions by First Letter:
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Aaron Bruce (Kelts' tkinem)

Aaron Nelson-Moody

Adam Munnings

Agnes Huang

Akemi Siu

Ardith Walkem

Artemis Fire

Banchi Hanuse

Brenda Baptiste

Bryan Gallagher

Candace Campo

Cathy Nash

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